One-month email consultation package

Purchase 30 days of access to professional advice from a certified Speech & Language Pathologist.  Work together to create goals for your child, get weekly activities emailed to your inbox, and have questions answered in a timely fashion.

Advantages of email services

Therapy is tailored to the individual

At Water the Sponge, I believe that therapy should be crafted to the individual’s preferences.  Your SLP will work side-by-side with you to ensure that activities are engaging and well-suited to your child’s needs.  It is my belief that optimal learning occurs when children are embraced for who they are and where they are at in their developmental journey.

Parental involvement is beneficial

Parents and caregivers play a most crucial role in childhood development.  Children will enjoy learning how to say sounds, put words together, or begin to read with their parents from the comfort of their very own homes.  Parents, get the support you need to help give your child’s speech and language skills the boost they deserve!

How will consultative services benefit my child?


Improve syntax

If you find your child speaking akin to Yoda or having difficulty with irregular past tense verbs (e.g., “eated” instead of “ate”), then you can count on Water the Sponge to give your child a push in the right direction.

Follow simple directions

Is your child having a hard time following directions? Do you have to repeat yourself over and over again to get your child to do something? Let’s work together to build your child’s receptive language skills to reduce stressful situations from occurring.

Intelligibility strategies

If you’re having difficulty understanding your child, work alongside Water the Sponge to get to the bottom of it! Come up with strategies to improve your little one’s speech in order to decrease frustration all around.


Introduce a speech sound

Is your child having difficulty pronouncing certain sounds? Always saying “wion” for lion”, or “fink” for think?” Get some expert advice on how to get your child to start saying sounds correctly in a fresh way!

Learn stuttering strategies

If your child is one of the many impacted by stuttering, learn some ways to manage his or her dysfluency in various types of situations and environments.

Put words together

If your child is constantly saying a word here or there but is having difficulty stringing words together, learn some ways to get your child to speak in short phrases.

About email consultation

At Water the Sponge, I strive to provide premium quality therapy to your inbox.  When you sign-up for a package, you will have unlimited access to email consultation with me.  Upon completion of your questionnaire and electronic payment, a list of goals will be curated for your child to work towards accomplishing given the selected timeframe.

Every week, you can expect to see new activities and instructions sent to your inbox in order to target your child’s goals.  Enjoy your time with your child working together to build his or her speech and language skills.

Choose from a one-month package or a three-month package.  When your services have finished, you are welcome to extend your package or receive your final summary.  

Getting started is easy


Select your package

Browse the consultation packages and choose the one that is right for you.


Fill out intake forms

Fill out a simple intake form online to get started.


Message your speech therapist!

Enjoy unlimited access to email speech therapy services!

Frequently Asked Questions

When do services begin?

First, click on the “BEGIN REGISTRATION” button and complete the questionnaire.  Services begin once electronic payment is received via Paypal or credit card.

Do you offer refunds?

If you change your mind within 48-hours of purchasing your package, you are entitled to a full refund.  After that, refunds are not given.

What happens when I buy a package?

Based on responses from the intake questionnaire, speech and language goals will be written specifically for your child.  You can expect a list of weekly activities emailed to you to help achieve those goals.  In addition, you can expect questions to be answered in a timely manner.

How often do you respond to emails?

I strive to answer all emails ASAP and guarantee to respond to emails within 48-hours, except for weekends and holidays.

Contact me

If you have questions regarding blog posts or are uncertain whether or not you should seek out consultation services for your child, please feel free to contact me.  You can use the form below, or email me directly at