water the sponge blog

These posts reflect the culmination of years of education and work experience with an incredibly diverse and wonderful client population.  This blog covers various topics for children from birth to eight years of age.  I am excited to share these resources with my WTS family.  To get the latest blog posts, subscribe below!

3 Must-Read Pediatric Physical Therapy Blogs

3 Must-Read Pediatric Physical Therapy Blogs

Welcome back to the December series! Last week, I discussed five feeding blogs that give incredibly helpful tips for children of all ages. This week I am going to focus on pediatric physical therapy. If you have any concerns about your child's gross motor skills, this...

Top 5 Feeding Blogs

Top 5 Feeding Blogs

During the month of December, I want to focus on lifting others up in our online community and giving back. Each week, I will write posts that focus on various topics of childhood development and direct readers to other blogs and resources on the topic. This week's...

My Child Speaks in Single Words…Now What?

My Child Speaks in Single Words…Now What?

As a parent, you probably waited on pins and needles for your child to say his or her first word! Then one day, ta-da! Out came his first word, "cheese" (our oldest) and "go" (our youngest). And, let me tell you, our oldest loves his cheese, and our youngest loves to...

My Child Isn’t Talking, What Should I Do?

My Child Isn’t Talking, What Should I Do?

As parents, we carry the stresses and burdens of our children. We constantly fret and ask ourselves questions about whether or not our children are developing on par with peers. So, before we dive into this post, I'd like you to take a deep breath with me and release...

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