During the month of December, I want to focus on lifting others up in our online community and giving back. Each week, I will write posts that focus on various topics of childhood development and direct readers to other blogs and resources on the topic.

This week’s post is all about feeding!

I am going to guess that most parents have struggled with feeding their children at some point in time or another. Personally, I know that I have. Our oldest is hypersensitive to textures and our youngest has a knack for picking veggies out of bites!

Can you relate? Or perhaps something else is going on?

In the past, I wrote about feeding issues and how to improve eating at home. However, the topic of feeding toddlers is truly a dense one that deserves its own blog! My post might have scratched the surface and introduced concepts to you, but I think it is worthwhile to direct you to some trustworthy sources.

Let’s Water the Sponge!

I have been doing some research to see what blogs exist already that educate parents about feeding little ones. I am truly inspired and in awe of all of the incredible information that already exists and I wanted to share with you a list of useful blogs that I found, in no particular order:

1.) Pediatric Feeding News

Why I like it: This blog is up-to-date with news and breaks information down for parents to digest (pun intended!) in a friendly manner. Posts are well-organized and the site is run by  Krisi Brackett, a speech and language pathologist, who is knowledgeable on the topic of feeding and swallowing. There are many resources available for free and additional products available for purchase for parents who are looking for more help in certain areas!

2.) Feeding Littles

Why I like it: This website is run by Megan McNamee, a Registered Dietician Nutritionist, and Judy Delaware, an Occupational Therapist. It is the only blog that I know of that is run by these two types of experts, and collaboration is vital when it comes to therapy! This site covers infancy to toddlerhood and touches on several topics including, but not limited to, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, allergies, how to introduce cups, meal tips, and much more!

3.) Your Kids Table

Why I like it: The author of this site, Alicia Grogan, is an occupational therapist and a mother who gives ample ideas about how to help picky eaters. Free printables are offered to parents to help them discover if their children have difficulty with sensory issues, meal planning for picky eating, and getting your toddler to eat table foods. This is a wonderful resource for parents of toddlers and older!

4.) Kids Eat in Color

Why I like it: Jennifer Anderson, a Registered Dietician, has taken the time to put together this incredible resource for parents to help them get their children to eat vegetables! Many expert tips are given on how to help children eat healthy foods throughout the course of the day. An easy weekday meal plan is available for purchase!

5.) My Munch Bug

Why I like it: Melanie Potock, a Pediatric Feeding Expert and Author, is a speech and language pathologist and parent of a former picky eater. She offers ample advice on her blog about mealtimes and includes a “Free Toolbox” section with various games, milestone checklists, recipes, and charts to help guide parents with children’s eating. There are also courses available for purchase as well!

This is certainly not an exhaustive list and there are a TON of other resources on the web! These are just the blogs that have caught my eye and could be worth following if you’re struggling with feeding your little one. Feel free to chime in with any other resources you know in regards to feeding children!

Happy eating! 🙂